In contrast to conventional medicine, which focuses primarily on interventional and often invasive methodologies, the purpose of AMA’s unique “IRM” approach, including its methodologies, modalities, and protocols, is to restore robust health, full functionality, and peak vitality of all our patient’s physiological systems and their associated organs.
From beautiful supple skin on the surface, to all internal organs from head to toe.
The key to achieving these goals is rooted in the foundational understanding that the human body is purposely designed by an unfathomably complex, multidimensional intelligence, which imbued human physiology with the following four (4) capacities:
Working “with” rather than” on” these inherent natural capacities invite us to engage with the purposeful design of our physiology, from the innermost cellular level all the way out to the systems that manifest as the complete, fully formed, and expressed human being.
Thus, as we discovered during the past 32 years of developing IRM medicine… practicing medicine at its most enlightened incarnation can be, and should be, an intimate experience of engagement with the divine intelligence that created it…
Bottom line: Learning to “pay attention to”… “observing”… “tuning in to”… or simply stated to “listening” to our “purposeful design” is the most fundamental, essential skill that medical practitioners are called upon to master!This “listening” entails much more than analyzing standardized lab testing. “Masterful listening” involves an exhaustive evaluation of a broad spectrum of signs, symptoms, and scientific testing, in order to grasp the significance of the activity levels of the patient’s physiological systems… The purpose of this “Masterful Listening”, begins with focusing on one cardinal question… are this patient’s physiological, psychological and spiritual systems performing in a balanced manner?… whereby, supported by robust health, the spirit of this human being is encouraged and able to achieve magnificent expression of his/her purpose in life.
What is most shocking… and unexpected about this pursuit… is that the engagement is bilateral…. Yes… that means… that for the physician (and any medical practitioner) who is really “tuned in” and “masterfully listening,”… the patient’s systems “talk” to him/her… not just lab results… but on an intuitive and inter-personal level… generating … a “sense” or “knowing” of what the patient’s physiology, psychology, and spirituality need.
Though many reject the notion of “purposeful design” in favor of random/arbitrary evolutionary processes, the stunning complexity, adaptive genius, and the shear creative prowess inherent in the capacities listed here, necessarily lead any serious investigation of the human condition to the inspired conclusion of a purposefully created and designed apparatus to support, nourish and flourish LIFE.Therefore, for practitioners of I.R.M. Medicine, this is more than just genius science and inspired medicine… it is also a spiritual pursuit whereby we develop our signature treatments to contain three seminal elements:
Whether you call the source of all things “Source” … “Spirit”… “Life”… “Nature” or simply “God”, we believe that the animating energy of all things is created and imbued with “purpose”.
In nature, we see how every life form can’t help but manifest its purpose, revealing the unfathomable mystery and utter perfection of its essential design.
At all levels, from surface skin to inner organs, from cell membranes to DNA, to molecules, atoms, electrons and subatomic particles…Consider the sheer improbability of the following facts: The human body comprises 100 trillion cells, and every one of these cells simultaneously and perfectly performs 15,000 essential biochemical reactions every second. Thus, in order for you to take your next breath, 15,000,000,000,000,000 different activities must work together in perfect harmony in every single second. What is the probability that you could exist for even one second… without an underlying purpose and its underlying systems that animate, coordinate, synergize, and synchronize all this activity? … automatically…. without the need of an iota of awareness or control from its human host?
As human beings, we are uniquely endowed with consciousness of this purposeful design, physiologically as well as spiritually.Spiritually, we are designed with the irrepressible instinct to search for meaning and purpose in our lives. Accordingly, we strive daily to align our fulfillment with our equally unique and innate capacity to experience the resonance of good and the dissonance of evil.
Physiologically, we know when we are in alignment with the purpose of our bodies’ internal design. We can feel the difference between eating junk food and proper nourishment, between breathing in fresh meadow air versus cigarette smoke. And though there are times when cosmetic surgery is truly the best available option, we instinctively know that cutting up our tissues, repositioning them, or artificially altering them can damage our body, diminish our spirit and warp our psyche.
Finally, we believe that God (Source, Spirit or Nature) is not only the source of the design of our body, but of all aspects of our existence. Thus, by utilizing I.R.M. medical protocols that “manifest the purpose of our physical design” we produce the rewards of health, vitality and beauty. Analogously, so too are our internal lives rewarded with extraordinary meaningfulness, fulfillment and joy when we take a parallel path in our actions and behaviors to “manifest the purpose of our spiritual design”.We believe that God has purposed the existence of each of us personally and individually, both physically and spiritually. We are all here for a reason, and regardless of what a patient’s individual calling may be, and irrespective of religious affiliations or lack thereof, we celebrate our patients’ spiritual journey as they draw nearer to living God’s purpose in their lives.
The bottom line: I.R.M medicine, through the agency of its modalities and protocols, strives to create and/or invigorate a powerful resonance between the patient’s physical existence and their spiritual existence. The stronger the alignment of resonance is between these two sources of energy, the healthier, happier, and more joy-fulfilled the patient will be.AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 Disclaimer: though everything on our website comes directly from reputable publications and scientific journals; and though thousands of these articles are available on official government websites (, they have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the FDA has not certified, endorsed or approved any of the scientific findings as methods of treating or diagnosing any diseases or illnesses.
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