Thank You for Contacting Us

We would be honored to care for you.

Our Intake Process for Integrative, Metabolic & Regenerative Medicine

We just sent you an email from with the subject “We need to confirm your email address”. We need to confirm we have your correct email address. Please open the email and click the text link “click here”.

If you did not receive an email from us, please check your spam folder.

Once your email is confirmed, the intake process begins.

Once the Intake Process Begins

1. You will receive an email from Dr. Pien and Dr. Milgrom ( welcoming you and introducing you to our protocols.

2. You will receive an email from Tracie, one of our Patient Educators ( during regular business hours, introducing herself and providing you with specific information about the treatment you are interested in. She is giving you a little homework to do before she calls you. 

If you did not receive either of these emails, please check your spam folder. The email from the doctors is sent immediately. The email from Tracie is sent during our regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, between 8am and 5pm PST.

3. Tracie will call you to schedule your consultation and answer any questions you may have. It can take up to 48 hours for Tracie to call you. All inquiries go into the queue and are called back in the order they were received.

If this is an emergency, please call for immediate assistance.

Orange County 949-428-4500

Los Angeles 310-460-2444

Your Call with Tracie

All new patients and patients we have not seen in a few years require a consultation with the doctor. This can be done by phone, video conferencing, or at our clinic. Tracie can usually schedule your consultation and treatment on the same day.

You will absolutely love Tracie. She will meet and exceed your expectations.  

We are honored and humbled that you chose us to care for you and therefore, you will, without a doubt, receive a call from Tracie.

Tour the Integrative, Metabolic & Regenerative Division of our Clinic with Dr. Asher Milgrom

A Tour of our OC Clinic

In the meantime… Enjoy a quick tour of the Integrative, Metabolic & Regenerative Medicine Division at our OC clinic.

Dear patients, please, feel free, feel encouraged, feel compelled and inspired to ask questions.  The journey will be fascinating!

Welcome to the AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare Family!

We are devoted to contributing to everyone’s knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their amazing human physiology.

We are focused internally, making the most valuable and sweetest honey we can… knowing that those in search of the best will find us.

Neither we or you “have to do this”… rather… “we get to do this”. Therefore, when we serendipitously find each other, we dance in joy, until the purpose of our engagement has been fulfilled.

In Gratitude, Faith & Joy,

Learn More About Our Integrative, Metabolic & Regenerative Treatments