“So, my son was diagnosed with level three ASD which is pretty much the worst you can get for Autism. He’s nonverbal only communicates in the way of repeating things and basically there’s no sense of knowing and communicating with anybody. My husband and I were to the point where my husband actually said he thought he was raising a vegetable and he wasn’t sure how we we’re going to deal with this even in life….
when I saw him even on the second treatment the fact that he went up to the nurses and he’s saying his ABCs and he did things that kids normally don’t do to calm themselves he had a calming mechanism already within the second treatment so every treatment after that he has gone from there wasn’t anything in there to people are actually noticing and saying there’s a little boy in there there’s a child with a personality…”
“I thought back about how before we came to see you, it was a daily occurrence that for at least one hour we could expect some chaos. And Jen needed to go lay in bed with her to console and calm her. Since the treatments, that has been reduced. We don’t see it every day…
Dad – I think immediately we noticed an edge taken off everything, especially in the first three days. She wanted to go for a walk. That’s about a two-mile walk. And a lot of uphill usually requires her to take a lot of breaks. But she ran up the hill. She was excited and laughing.
Mom – She was much more observant of what we were seeing, and she was a lot more aware of what was going on…”
About 4 months ago I was like alright let’s take him to a physical therapist. So his mom took him and they definitely saw something. Then on the 2nd visit they told us we need to get some blood work and that’s when we kind of got a little scared. We got the blood work and his CK levels were at 13,000 or 13,500. That’s when the physical therapist said we need to go to the specialist.
And they basically gave us the news on June 21st and we walked out of there, obviously devastated. I asked them are we walking out of here with a Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy diagnosis. Because of their company procedures they would not confirm it but said it was likely, They did a DNA test and we got the results 4 or 5 weeks later. I can’t remember that day for some reason. They called us on the phone and the pretty much confirmed it.
Getting these stem cell treatments is going to mean the world to us. It’s been pretty devastating finding out this news because Liam and his brother are super active, and Liam is always trying to keep up. Trying to get his brother back. They are always playing. We hope that he gets all his physical abilities back to be able to keep up with his brother, grow up with his brother. It can be that normal sibling rivalry that we were looking forward to believe it or not. They are only 3 years apart so we new we were in store for some excitement and some crazy events, but we were looking forward to it. We want to make sure that happens.
Little Leo (Liam’s Brother) …My brother getting these treatments will make me happy. Really happy, a lot, you don’t even know. Really happy.”
“The first signs that we noticed was when he was walking around age 2. He could not run like other kids. He couldn’t climb up stairs. He would go one step at a time. When he was running he would not run normal. He would run with his legs side to side. Getting off the ground he would stand up not with his leg muscles but with his arms and kind of walk backwards with his hands.
Nowadays it is very hard for him to go upstairs. He can only make it up 1 or 2 on his own. He gets tired for easily. He can only lift his arms for about 6 seconds before he gets tired. He tries very hard. When he reads he reads from the table because he is not able to hold the book up.
This stem cell therapy I think is our last hope. We are hoping for a semi-normal life for him. He deserves this.”
Michael’s Dad – Once we found out about Michaels diagnosis of Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy at the age of 5… There’s no treatments. There’s no cures at the time. The only thing they really have is prednisone which is a steroid. Everyone knows that steroids have side effects, one of them being the massive weight gain. Michael has been putting on a lot of weight over the years.
Michael – Getting this treatment is going to make me feel a lot more happy because then I can do everything I wanted to do when I was little. I really want to make my own cooking business. But I need to stand to reach a stove. I would like to be a professional chef like Gordon Ramsey. But I don’t want to yell at people.”
“I just wanted to share that I am here at AMA Regenerative Medicine office. I was just treated with stem cell therapy along with ozone. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for being so helpful and so willing to help me to better my health.
God willing, I will be able to help and serve others just as you have helped and served me. Thank you so much immensely and as always, blessings to you and your loved ones from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!”
“My name is Rick Hamilton, this is my son Kalel Hamilton. Kalel’s kindergarten teachers noticed he was a little bit slower than other kids. Having trouble getting up from a seat or laying position and so we took him in to ask some questions and get some opinions from doctors. The end result was he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. That was in November of 2018.
Right now, the only thing for sure with Duchenne’s is steroids just to prolong walking and the things I see from weight gain and the side effects of the steroids is not something that I want to put Kalel through. I want something that works with his body and has the most promise.
Getting the stem cell treatments for Kalel will mean the world to us. I’m a farmer and so I have livestock and he’s out there with me helping at this moment and it breaks my heart that maybe he wouldn’t be able to do that.”
The first treatment showed great results. We were just blown away. After the initial treatment with stem cells Kalel has shown that he is going up stairs faster. He went through a good few weeks where he wasn’t falling, which was unheard of.
He was running up and down piles of wood chips and having fun and not falling. The biggest improvement was he does this little log lift with some firewood.
He started out doing 7 the first time and then 9. Then he got a 32 and I thought it’s probably not going to get any better than that and then his record right now is 64. We were really impressed with that.
We want to thank everybody who has been supporting Kalel both monetarily and sharing messages with him of hope and telling him to keep pushing and sharing his campaign to get bigger, stronger, faster. We are so thankful for the support we’ve received. Every day we are getting to show Kalel this person donated and tell him how loved he is. Our whole family has just been overwhelmed with the support so we really thank you!
“I have had a life long battle with bad knees due to a hereditary lack of cartilage. It started out with my right knee when I was young. Popping out of joint, losing more cartilage, then the left knee took over. So I’ve had problems life long really with both of my knees…
…The results of the regenerative medicine and ozone injections have been short of life giving as far as my knees are concerned. I don’t even see surgery on my horizon right now. It’s fantastic so it’s been wonderful. I’ll do this again before I go considering surgery.”
“I hurt my shoulders snowboarding years ago and had to have rotator cuff surgery on both of them. The rotator cuff surgery created a lot of scar tissue and a lot of shoulder pain so I couldn’t sleep on either shoulder…
…The treatments Dr. Pien has done have been unbelievable in giving me the pain relief I needed in my shoulders. It’s something you notice within a day or two of getting the treatments and within a week or two the pain is completely gone.”
“I came here because of DSAP (disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis). I had a subdural hematoma where there was a liter of blood on my brain. So I had brain surgery. After the brain surgery and the trauma these spots began to manifest…
“I contracted Lyme disease about 2 to 3 years ago. I was mountain biking and picked up a tick and contracted Lyme and i’ve been suffering with the symptoms ever since…
… I’ve tried probably every imaginable healing modality, I mean, every treatment for Lyme disease there is. I believe in ozone because at the end of the day it reduces my symptoms.”
“I’m a contractor and body builder. Over the years of training I’ve destroyed my joints…..
… I’ve been coming to AMA for my ozone injections and the people and the staff are wonderful. I want to continue to come for ozone injection treatments because I really believe that they are helping me.”
AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 Disclaimer: though everything on our website comes directly from reputable publications and scientific journals; and though thousands of these articles are available on official government websites (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), they have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the FDA has not certified, endorsed or approved any of the scientific findings as methods of treating or diagnosing any diseases or illnesses.
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