Reactive oxygen species like ozone (O3) can interact with cellular elements and lead to oxidative stress. Following this line of reasoning, how does O3 perform antioxidant activities if it creates such a stressful environment? This is accomplished by the regulated toxicity brought on by low O3 concentrations, which boost the cell’s supply of antioxidant qualities without doing any additional harm.
Ozone treatment is a common clinical treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective in treating ischemia, xenobiotics, chronic damage, apoptosis, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
This article dispels misconceptions about alternative medicine, explains ozone’s therapeutic benefits, and provides context for its use in both clinical settings and further research.
Ozone treatment has been employed as an alternative medical strategy for four decades, but traditional medicine has shown skepticism.
Now that accurate medical ozone generators are available, it is possible to assess action mechanisms. Contrary to the respiratory tract, human blood is able to control its powerful oxidative qualities when exposed to the right quantities of ozone, and in the millions of patients who have received ozone treatment, neither acute nor chronic side effects have appeared.
Below is a summary of the 6 modes of therapeutic significance that ozone treatment has.
By stimulating mitochondria, ozone supports and accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal damaged tissue and regenerate healthy tissue.
Examples include ozone injections to heal damaged joints.
It accomplishes this by stimulating the mitochondria of cells that are actively involved in regeneration, such as stem cells or the cells that generate new collagen in a damaged joint, or those that form new bones in the case of bone damage.
Knowledge Nugget: Every cell in your body is dependent on ATP from which it derives the energy it needs to perform its functions. ATP is generated in mitochondria. Therefore, if your cells have more ATP, they function better. From cells that make collagen, to cells that make your hormones, or make natural antioxidants, or detox your blood… everything is dependent on the health of your mitochondria. Ozone is better at supporting the health of your mitochondria than any other known substance.
Interestingly, prokaryote cells which include all bacteria do NOT have mitochondria, so they are not helped by ozone.
“My name is Scott and I’m a contractor and body builder. Over the years of training I’ve destroyed my joints. As I got older I started having joint problems. My knees, shoulders, elbows, ankles, etc…
… I recommend anyone to try the ozone injections before they go and have surgery. I’ve been coming to AMA for my ozone injections and the people and the staff are wonderful.”
Wherein ozone attacks pathogenic infections by bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses, and stimulates the body’s natural immune defenses. This form of physiological therapy is called Oxidative Therapy.
Note: Ozone attacks the cellular membranes (walls) of microbes, so all bacteria fungi, yeast and viruses are susceptible.
Note: Ozone is also a powerful stimulator of immune functions by increasing your generation of interferon, tumor necrosis factor and Interleuken-2. All of these are essential in a healthy immune response to microbial infection attacks.
Note: Bacteria can not develop resistance to ozone.
Wherein ozone attacks malignant cells, and protects healthy cells. It can also be a powerful adjunctive therapy to chemotherapy. As in #2 above, this form of physiological therapy is Oxidative.
Ozone stimulates the body’s natural ability to generate its own anti-oxidants. This is particularly important for the health of the two organs that generate more oxidative activity than all other organs, namely, your liver and brain.
“I had a heart issue this summer. A fibrillation of my heart. Doctors everywhere couldn’t figure it out…
… I was recommended to see Dr. Milgrom at AMA Regenerative Medicine. He recommended a single pass ozone treatment and I had so much energy that day. Within a day or two my heart issue was gone. Absolutely gone.
It’s changed my life. I love doing ozone treatments. I do it monthly. I wanted to keep my immune system boosted and keep my heart healthy. I’ve felt healthy ever since.”
Ozone stimulates a powerful anti-oxidative response by our bodies and has proven effective in subduing the overproduction of inflammatory cells such as those associated with Asthma, Diabetes, as well as other painful inflammatory diseases like arthritis, Fibromyalgia and others.
Ozone stimulates oxygen metabolism by empowering your red blood cells with greater cellular energy derived from glycolysis. This also increases the ability of your red blood cells to deliver greater quantity of oxygen to your tissues. This not only increases your body’s ability to regenerate new tissues, it directly attacks bacteria, who are anaerobic and are negatively affected in an oxygen rich environment.
For more information see: Ozone therapy: A clinical review from The National Center for Biotechnology Information
Everything on our website comes from from reputable publications, books and scientific journals, most of which are available on PubMed and other government websites. These include Meta-Analysis’, Randomized Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Books and Documents. We encourage you to read the science, in order to separate fact from fiction, so that you can arrive at a full understanding of what is best for your body. We would be honored to be a part of that educational journey with you.
AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 Disclaimer: though everything on our website comes directly from reputable publications and scientific journals; and though thousands of these articles are available on official government websites (, they have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the FDA has not certified, endorsed or approved any of the scientific findings as methods of treating or diagnosing any diseases or illnesses.