Methylene Blue quickly expanded to be used in regenerative treatments, most notably for its effect on mitochondria and the electron transport chain. It is now understood that MB enhances mitochondrial respiration and may represent a metabolic medicine panacea. By supporting the body’s natural energy generation Methylene Blue stimulates the body to heal its self without the need of pharmaceuticals.
Its pharmacological qualities have also been used to treat disorders such as methemoglobinemia, ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy, and thyroid issues that necessitate surgery.Methylene Blue (MB) is a photosensitizing compound that absorbs specific frequencies of light (primarily red) and releases singlet oxygen atoms that readily engage surrounding tissues. The use of MB as a safe photosensitizer in photodynamic treatment (PDT) has recently gained notice.
Methylene Blue is a very powerful redox molecule that is very effective against many different viruses. It is attracted to cells that are infected. We don’t know exactly why it hones to infected cells.
It also homes to malignant cells. Again, we don’t exactly know why. Once there, the Methylene Blue gets absorbed into the malignant cell and releases a cloud of electrons. This puts the malignant cell under so much oxidative stress that it essentially kills it.
Recent research shows that photoactivated MB not only has anticancer action, but also antibacterial activity in vitro and in vivo.Methylene Blue provides an independent source of electrons delivered directly to empower mitochondrial Cytochrome IV… bypassing damaged segments of ETC and increasing ATP production.
Methylene blue enhances mitochondrial function by acting as an electron carrier and even recycling electrons. Your cells change into incredibly effective energy producers as a result.
M-Blue mysteriously homes and concentrates in damaged tissues, certain malignant cells and neural cells which have the highest metabolic demand and density of mitochondria amongst all tissues.Methylene Blue has been shown in studies to have memory-enhancing and neuroprotective properties in the brain. Memory-enhancing effects have been linked to memory improvement and neuroprotection. Even tiny dosages of Methylene Blue have been shown protect against mitochondrial dysfunction
Another study found that administering MB could improve memory by increasing brain cytochrome oxidase activity. Another study that used brain MRIs revealed significant brain support. Methylene Blue Effects in the Human Brain: Multimodal Randomized Functional MR Imaging.
A couple different studies found that administering Methylene Blue could improve memory by increasing brain cytochrome oxidase activity and the other used MRIs to reveal significant brain support.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has also been shown to benefit from MB. MB reduces inflammation of the brain by inhibiting microglial activation. It also stimulates a self-cleaning mechanism known as Autophagy which is the process of damaged cells being removed by the body in order to regenerate younger, healthier cells.
Which leads us to Alzheimer’s disease. It has been hypothesized that MB may halt the progression of this disease. MB has been demonstrated to reverse the production of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, as well as to partially repair mitochondrial function and cellular metabolic deficits.In addition to boosting mitochondrial activity Methylene blue has antiviral effects. In the presence of UV light, it exhibits broad-spectrum virucidal activity and has been found to be useful in inactivating different viruses in blood products prior to transfusions. Methylene blue has virucidal preventative and therapeutic efficacy against the H1N1 influenza virus and the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Also, once you have given someone Methylene Blue via an IV, you can then irradiate their blood with a particular wavelength of red light. This super stimulates the Methylene Blue causing it to release even more electrons. Often times you will see our patients wearing a wrist light while they are receiving the Methylene Blue.
We have various other lasers that also stimulate the Methylene Blue. We are able to stimulate the MB wherever on the body we need to.
For reasons that remain obscure, certain Photosensitizing compounds possess a powerful affinity for unhealthy cells, pathogenic microbes or specific components therein, especially but not limited to malignancy. For example: Methylene Blue is powerfully attracted to Malaria, and is considered by many to be the perfect therapy to completely rid the patient from the infection.
Once administered to the body (IV) and given sufficient time to saturate the targeted cells (incubation time) the targeted malignant/pathogenic cells will retain the Photosensitizing compound, while healthy cells are able to clear themselves of the Photosensitizing compound during the “incubation” time.
The Photosensitizing compound must also contain the needed molecular components that when stimulated by a specific wavelength of light, are able to release the needed ROS, that will kill the malignant or pathogenic cells.Methylene Blue works wonders on CV19, Long COVID, Epstein Barr and Lyme disease patients. These diseases damage the mitochondria causing their Electron Transport Chain to stop working properly. Your mitochondria are no longer able to make ATP which is the primary energy source for important biological functions.
Stopping the production of ATP causes the cell to essentially become senescent. It’s trying to live, it’s trying to die, it doesn’t know what to do, it doesn’t have the energy to do anything, so it just hangs around. Now imagine this happening to all 50 trillion or so cells in your body… Fatigue unlike anything you have ever experienced.
The spike protein penetrates into the mitochondria and the spike protein actually is what damages the electronic transport chain. The spike protein acts as a prion, a prion will attach itself to a protein, another protein.
Proteins are massive molecules. They work depending on their three dimensional configuration. If a protein changes its configuration, it stops being able to function.
The spike protein attaches to the heme molecule in hemoglobin. It also attaches to the cytochrome Cs, all the cytochrome molecules in the electron transport chain, which are all heme molecules as well and disrupts them. Now the electrons aren’t moving through the chain the way they’re supposed to because they’ve changed their configuration because of the spike protein.When Methylene Blue is put into the body and enters the cell, it bypasses the part of the Electron Transport Chain that has been damaged and donates electrons directly into ATP synthase at the end of Electron Transport Chain.
Now the mitochondria can make ATP with a source of electrons that has not been cut off and the cell can now repair itself. This is what we believe is happening inside the body and the clinical results we are achieving with our patients reinforces this.
The point is that with Methylene Blue your body can repair itself, using the ATP produced by your own mitochondria, giving your own cells the energy they need to repair themselves.Few things are more vital than a healthy metabolic condition. Keeping your cells active helps your body to express its life force fully, which is especially critical for your brain and heart (which, by the way, contain the most mitochondria per cell of all the different types of cells in your body).
Remember that the body is an extraordinary mechanism that can self-regulate and repair itself thanks to the unfathomable wisdom that designed it. When your cells are given the correct amount of energy, their knowledge to repair themselves will outperform anything we can come up with. When you treat mitochondrial function through metabolic therapy, you have the ideal scenario for recovering from an illness or simply being at your functional best.Everything on our website comes from from reputable publications, books and scientific journals, most of which are available on PubMed and other government websites. These include Meta-Analysis’, Randomized Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Books and Documents. We encourage you to read the science, in order to separate fact from fiction, so that you can arrive at a full understanding of what is best for your body. We would be honored to be a part of that educational journey with you.
AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 Disclaimer: though everything on our website comes directly from reputable publications and scientific journals; and though thousands of these articles are available on official government websites (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), they have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the FDA has not certified, endorsed or approved any of the scientific findings as methods of treating or diagnosing any diseases or illnesses.
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