About 20% of the people who get the virus as well as about 20% of the people who never got the virus, but who got the vaccine, get the long-haul syndrome that can persist for a very long time. The symptoms of Long COVID can end up being a lot worse than the COVID infection itself.
It kind of works out like this. Some people get the virus and they recover very quickly. Then 2, 3, 4 months later, they start getting sick again with a different set of symptoms.
Same thing with those who get the vaccine. They get the vaccine. They do fine for a while. Then 2, 3, 4 months later, they start getting sick with a whole new set of symptoms.
There are also those who get sick initially or get the vaccine initially, get sick right away and stay sick. Either way, the long-haul symptoms are those that persist for months. In some cases, we have patients here that have had long-haul symptoms for over a year.Let’s talk first about your neurology and your brain.
If it affects your lungs, you may experience…
If it is your heart that has been affected, you may develop…
If your GI system is affected, you could have…
Some of the other common symptoms are…
So the question is, what do we do about this? How do we recover from Long COVID? Now, again, going back to the FLCCC website, they have listed the medications. These are also well-known, repurposed medications to help shut down those inflammatory cells. That’ll shut down the ongoing inflammation.
Then you still have to deal with the tissue damage that’s been accruing. Without that, you’re going to have a very slow, painful and protracted recovery to get back to health.
How do we repair these tissues, these organs, that have been damaged by chronic inflammation? There are five modalities that work extremely well.
The first one is called apheresis, which was developed here in the United States back in the 1980s and perfected elsewhere in the world. It is used extensively for long-haul, chronic infections and illnesses.
What apheresis does is filters the blood. Let me explain very briefly. When you’ve had a long-term infection and long-term chronic inflammation and damage to the tissues, your blood accumulates with debris. Debris from viral overloads, debris from bacterial overloads, like in the case of Lyme, and actually particles and debris from tissue that’s been degraded and degenerated and destroyed.
This debris floating around in your blood are classified as endotoxins. They are toxic to you. Your body is going to have a very difficult time healing while it’s toxified. You’ve got to get that stuff out of you.
Normally it’s the liver and the kidneys that filter your blood, but the kidneys and the liver aren’t designed to filter debris out of your blood. The best analogy is a coffee filter that catches the coffee grinds and lets the good coffee flow through, so you can enjoy it.
Your body doesn’t have a filter like that. Well, that’s exactly what apheresis does. And right now, you’re looking at some pictures of how it works. The blood comes out of one arm, goes through this machine, gets filtered and ozonated in there. Then the cleansed and ozonated blood goes into the other arm.
Many of our patients feel their brain fog lifting right during the very first session with the apheresis device.
One of the names in the market for the apheresis device is called EBOO, E-B-O-O, stands for extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation, and to that, you have to add the F for filtration. EBOO or apheresis, extremely important.
Even the worst cases, very few of our patients have needed more than five sessions with the EBOO /F in order to cleanse their blood and get the toxins out.
Modality number two is ozone itself. Ozone comes in the EBOO /F apparatus and you can also have it separately. This is extremely important because of the effect that ozone has on mitochondria. Again, I’ll go into much more details of mitochondrial health in the next article.
The bottom line is this. Every cell in your body has mitochondria. It’s the mitochondria’s job to process the oxygen that you breathe and from the energy of those electrons, create the ATP which is the chemical fuel that every cell in your body needs to function.
During chronic inflammation, your mitochondria suffer horribly. They’re not operating well and you begin to lose them. The ozone stimulates those mitochondria. It ramps them up, so you can produce lots and lots of energy. Ozone treatment also encourages your cells to create more mitochondria. This is essential for life and absolutely critical for regaining the health and vitality of these damaged tissues.The fourth modality is called hyperbaric oxygen therapy wherein you get into this amazing cool chamber. It looks like from Star Trek or something.
You’re pressurized in that chamber. And in that chamber, you’re breathing pure oxygen. The combination of the pressure and the oxygen causes the oxygen to dissolve in all the fluids of your body so that every single cell in every single tissue in every single organ becomes super saturated with oxygen.
Remember that the damage that accrued to your tissues because of the chronic inflammation and all the arterials and vasculature in your organs and tissues made it almost impossible to deliver oxygen to your tissue. They are starved for oxygen, and of course, without oxygen, the mitochondria don’t function. So how do you get oxygen to tissues that are so swollen that the blood doesn’t want to flow there? The only way you can get oxygen there, literally the only way is hyperbaric oxygen therapy.When you have those neurological issues, the headaches and the throbbing migraines and the pounding cluster headaches and the paresthesias, the numbness and all that stuff. Oftentimes after the very first treatment patients begin to experience a relief of those headaches.
It’s going to take more than just two or three of these. Usually it takes 10 or even 20 of these for the severe cases, but it will heal your neurology.
Now the last of these modalities are stem cells. I have to be very careful when I speak of stem cells because the FDA has very strict regulations about how we’re allowed to speak about them. Just know that stem cells are the holy grail of regenerative medicine.
If the other four modalities are bringing you to the top of the vitality mountain and you need that extra push to regenerate tissues that have been damaged, stem cells are the holy grail. They are expensive and hopefully we don’t need them, but they’re there for you if we do need them.
A. Fortunately, even our worst-case scenario only required 8 EBOO /F treatments. Once a week is typically sufficient, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Of course, in most circumstances, some of the other modalities will be required.
We have successfully treated thousands of CV19 patients, either preventatively, with acute symptoms, or with Long Haul sickness, using approaches established within the Integrative Medicine community. They literally all improved. Millions of people with CV19 have been effectively treated within the larger network of all clinicians who practice Integrative Medicine.
A. Ozone treatment has long been demonstrated to be an effective method for stimulating and supporting healthy immunological systems. Many integrative medical practices believe that regular ozone treatments are crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system, which promotes longevity and well-being.
Since the start of the pandemic, our entire crew has received weekly ozone IV treatments. Many of us were infected with COVID and had no idea. Many of us never even got COVID. That pretty about sums it up, doesn’t it? Many other integrative methods that involve ozone report comparable outcomes.
A. The spike protein induces systemic inflammation and abnormal blood clotting, which leads to organ inflammation and poor perfusion. That is why we administer Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to all of our COVID patients.
Simply put, the only way to supply oxygen to tissues that cannot receive it by normal blood flow mechanisms is through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, which saturates all bodily fluids with oxygen independent of blood flow.
A. Ozone strongly stimulates the numerous cells of a healthy human immune system, making it immune to all infections.
Systemic vasculitic inflammation means that circulating spike proteins and the irregular clotting they cause can target any organ system. That is why COVID can cause so many symptoms related with many organ systems. Poor blood perfusion and eventual ischemia will occur in tissue of an organ whose vasculature is inflamed. Ozone has been shown to lessen inflammation in a variety of settings. Ozone increases the activity of free radical scavengers such as glutathione, peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and others.The spike protein is also a prion that interferes with the function of heme proteins and complexes. As a result, it not only diminishes RBC oxygen carrying capacity, but it also disturbs the cytochrome complexes of the Electron Transport Chain, significantly lowering ATP synthesis… which is the cause of the intense chronic weariness seen in COVID patients.
Ozone is a highly effective electron donor that has been shown to improve mitochondrial ATP generation by bypassing damaged parts of the ETC and delivering the required electrons to ATP synthase. Though the mechanism is unknown, ozone promotes the formation of new mitochondria.A. We will only give EBOO /F (apheresis) treatments to a patient three times per week. More than that may place the patient under undue healing / regenerative stress. Allow me to explain…
As the EBOO /F (apheresis) treatments clear the body of the toxins that are causing systemic inflammation, the body can shift its emphasis from fighting the inflammation to mending tissues injured by the inflammation. Healing and regeneration require energy and resources, both of which are likely to be in short supply in a chronically ill patient.
If we clean out the body too quickly, the body will simply lack the necessary energy and resources to respond to all of the healing and regeneration that we have undertaken. This frequently leads to a negative patient experience. They simply feel bad and tired. This is known as a HERX response. Don’t worry, we have specific drugs that can be given to even the most sensitive people to decrease the HERX reaction.
That is why, for our chronically ill patients receiving EBOO /F (apheresis), we usually combine the treatment with vitamin IVs to provide them with some of the nutrients that the body would require after detoxification.
A. An increasing number of Integrative physicians who notice the same disparity between the underlying ailment and the remedies promoted by the mainstream. It’s not your usual case of pneumonia. It is a cytokine storm caused by an uncontrollable immunological reaction. The lung tissue is inflamed and drowning in inflammatory fluids, hindering O2 delivery to the tissues.
Behind the scenes, there is vicious politics… and established experts, no matter how well-meaning and educated they are, are unable to perceive what their minds cannot fathom. “Everything looks like a nail to a hammer.”
A. Fortunately, very few people require all five of these treatments. A treatment combining EBOO /F / Apheresis with high dosage IV vitamin C is frequently sufficient to generate outstanding clinical outcomes. As is always the case, we don’t know which modality, or modalities, will be required until we treat a patient.
Unfortunately, there are just a few EBOO /F devices available in the United States. Please contact our office to find out where the nearest EBOO /F is to you. We will gladly refer you.
A. You’re right. Unfortunately, many well-established and very successful Integrative Medicine treatments are not deemed mainstream or “standard of care,” and hence are not covered by insurance. This, in my opinion, is a disgrace, because doctors and their patients should be the final arbiters of what works and what doesn’t work for a certain patient with a given illness.
Concerning Integrative Medicine: Allow me to explain the word for those of you who are unfamiliar with it. Within the Integrative Medicine paradigm, our single goal is always “better clinical outcomes” for our patients. To do so, we know that we must frequently investigate modalities that are not part of the allopathic establishment’s “Standard of Care.” In caring for our patients, we are interested in any approach that is both safe and has demonstrated clinical efficacy. This includes the critical use of current drugs in “repurposed” treatments for illnesses for which they were not designed. Long-established drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, have saved millions of lives in the case of CV19.
True scientists who “follow the science,” as well as Integrative Medicine specialists, recognize that human physiology is incomprehensibly complicated… It is a magnificent symphony of systems that collaborate for the common goal of generating life. As a result, Integrative Medicine is a collection of strategies and modalities that work together to support/generate optimal health. As a result, practicing Integrative Medicine necessitates a strict commitment to continual research for each patient, because no two people are alike. This is both academically and spiritually hard, but it is well worth every ounce of effort as we uncover and establish methods that result in greater therapeutic outcomes for our patients. CV19 is merely the most recent and clear illustration of this chasm between our method and the traditional establishment, which still insists, despite mountains of data, that there is no early treatment for CV19.
Everything on our website comes from from reputable publications, books and scientific journals, most of which are available on PubMed and other government websites. These include Meta-Analysis’, Randomized Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Books and Documents. We encourage you to read the science, in order to separate fact from fiction, so that you can arrive at a full understanding of what is best for your body. We would be honored to be a part of that educational journey with you.
AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 Disclaimer: though everything on our website comes directly from reputable publications and scientific journals; and though thousands of these articles are available on official government websites (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), they have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the FDA has not certified, endorsed or approved any of the scientific findings as methods of treating or diagnosing any diseases or illnesses.
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