Believe it or not, everything about your skin starts on the inside of your cells. Your cystic acne, sun damage, sagging skin, wrinkled skin, melasma, stretch marks, rosacea, spider veins and everything else you can think of about the condition of your skin starts with the engine that produces energy inside every cell in your body… the mighty Mitochondria.
Believe it or not, every disease state in your body, from heart disease and stroke, to Lyme disease, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, MS, degenerating joints, degenerating spine and back problems, chronic infections, viruses, molds, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and organ diseases such as diabetes and liver disease…. All start with the engine that produces energy inside every cell in your body… the mighty mitochondria.
Thus, as we journey together through the nine strategies listed below, we will discover the nuggets of information that will build your understanding and guide you from disease into optimal health.
Developed in Europe four decades ago and rooted in 300 years of exacting clinical observations in homeopathy and homotoxicology, PRM reprograms the body’s three regulatory systems – Neurology, Endocrinology and Immunology – while relieving organ-related symptoms and detoxifying or draining extra-cellular tissues.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to achieve optimal, vibrant health for both your skin and your entire body, and reclaim the youthful energy you thought was gone forever? With an Integrative Medicine approach with our 9 physiological strategic technologies, including PRM, you can!
Before we dive into this section, you might be wondering why we even address issues of physiological health when your primary concern might be skincare and aesthetics.
As you may know, perhaps the most unique element of AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare’s proprietary protocols is our use of lasers physiologically, meaning we use them to precisely interact with your skin’s natural physiological processes, engaging them in the transformation of your skin. Bottom line, your skin has remarkable regenerative capacity, and our goal is to stimulate your skin’s physiology to function as it did when you much younger.
For AMA Regenerative Medicine, beauty is NOT skin-deep, but based on physiological health and vitality much deeper on the inside, which makes your skin young and beautiful on the outside. Therefore, if you are suffering from melasma or cystic acne for example, by mobilizing your physiological resources, the healing process can continue 24/7, subduing your cystic acne, dissolving away your melasma, remodeling your stretch marks, and regenerating healthy, strong and beautiful skin.
While most people know that their skin is their single largest organ, most don’t understand that it is also their body’s most important detoxification organ, and that your skin directly reflects the overall health of all your other organ systems. Simply stated, it’s impossible to have fantastic skin that looks great on the outside if you’re not healthy on the inside.
There was a time when your skin radiated youthful vitality, health and beauty… Before aging, loss of collagen, sun damage, lifestyle stresses and toxins took their toll.
How would you like to regenerate your own natural collagen, lifting, toning and firming your skin – returning it to what is was in your youth? How about getting rid of your cystic acne, rosacea, melasma, sun damage or stretch marks? PRM has the “physiological keys™” that “unlock” or turn back the clock on your natural collagen producing mechanisms, taking years off your face, naturally.
How would you like to get rid of your unwanted fat and cellulite deposits, jowls, sagging skin, acne scars and wrinkles… and replace them with smooth firm belly, thighs, arms, jaw line, chin and neck of your youthful athletic body? Along with high-tech lasers, PRM has physiological keys that help unlock your own natural fat burning metabolism, facilitating the conversion of fat into energy and giving you a reason to dig out the clothes you haven’t dared to wear for too long.
How would you like to have the radiant clear skin you once admired in the mirror? PRM has the keys that unlock the natural detoxification of your skin, clearing out years of accumulated environmental and internal toxins and stressors, which will leave your skin radiating health, purity and vitality.
Now remember… your skin in but one of your many organs… and the same mechanisms that PRM activates and stimulates in your skin, also work in all your other organs as well… detoxifying them and bringing them back to robust health and vitality.
How would you like this amazing science of physiological transformation to give you back youthful stamina and energy rather than chronic fatigue and lethargy? How about mental brightness and a sharp memory rather than brain fog and memory loss? How about robust digestion and revitalizing sleep rather than poor sleep and insomnia? How about consistently elevated mood, enthusiasm and peace of mind, instead of anxiety, depression and agitation? How about relieving the symptoms of PMS, perimenopause, menopause, asthma, enlarged prostate, arthritis, achy joints, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and debilitating allergies?
These are just a few of the long list of conditions for which PRM offers an effective and natural solution.
For years, people have come to AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare from around the world to benefit from our renowned and unique multiple-modality protocols that utilize state-of-the-art lasers, as well as vitamin, oxygen, ozone and human cell tissue therapies that physiologically transform skin to a state of youthful health and beauty.
Now, with the synergistic integration of physiological regulating medicine, the results of our proprietary treatments are more effective than ever. So, while you’re here for aesthetic medicine, why not also get the rest of your organ systems on the PRM pathway to feeling and being as healthy and vital as possible?
After all, your skin cannot be its healthiest and most vibrant without the rest of your body participating.
Would it shock you to know that only 5 out of 100 people are truly healthy? If that seems hard to believe, consider this: While you may not be suffering from identifiable symptoms of a recognized disease, the mere absence of symptoms is miles away from being truly healthy.
In traditional western medicine, a person is classified in one of two categories:
Under the care of western medicine, if you’re one of the unfortunate “sick” individuals suffering from symptoms of a diagnosed “chronic” disease, you’re likely to be trapped in an endless cycle of increasing doses of drugs that threaten to consume your life.
From an irritable bowel to asthma, arthritis or simple hay fever, tragically what is most typically absent in standard western care is any hope of actually curing your disease and becoming healthy again, let alone a viable strategy to make that happen. The drugs are designed to manage your symptoms, but offer little to no hope of actually curing your illness and restoring your health. Very little, if any, consideration is given to how and why you got sick.
What might be new to the reader is the fact that all the symptoms a person experiences when afflicted by a disease are created when something in our physiology goes “out of whack” (with the exception of conditions caused by an external source).
Western medicine does not focus on the causes of your errant physiology leading up to the appearance of symptoms. Rather than trying to understand and correct the reasons your physiology went “out of whack” to begin with, western allopathic medicine focuses instead on suppressing your symptoms once they’ve appeared. This suppression is accomplished by overpowering your physiology with three invasive technologies, pharmaceutical drugs, radiology, and surgery.
The equation is simple: patient X has a problem in his physiology which causes symptom Y, for which drug Z is prescribed in order to suppress symptom Y. In other cases, to deal with symptom Y, allopathic solution Z might be a radiological procedure or surgery. Unfortunately, allopathic solution Z often causes its own list of symptoms and complications (side effects) for which additional drugs will be quickly prescribed, and the slippery slope just gets steeper and steeper. What is painfully missing is addressing why a patient’s physiology developed the problem to begin with, and then correcting it at its source through natural means, which is the focus of the physiological approach found in Integrative and Regenerative medicine and why we use technologies such as PRM.
If, on the other hand, you’re one who belongs to the “not sick – without symptoms” group, the question is:
Are you truly enjoying optimal health?
When was the last time you had the energy of a 10-year old playing at 110% from the moment you bounce out of bed until the minute you effortlessly slip into deliciously rejuvenating sleep seconds after your head hits the pillow? Or is your day better characterized by a cranky start after unsatisfying sleep, followed by your choice of caffeine and/or sugar stimulants, a variety of daily aches and pains that have you reaching for the pain meds, mental fatigue, irritability and stress?
Remember, traditional western medicine will place you in one of those two categories: “sick with symptoms” or “not sick, without symptoms.”
In contradistinction to western medicine, oriental medicine categorizes the human state of physiological well-being into three groups:
What is fundamentally different about this perspective is that in order to understand into which category a person falls, a deep understanding of the physiological conditions specific to each individual in a particular category is imperative. And, even more importantly, this level of physiological insight™ allows the doctor to directly engage the patient’s inherent physiological processes in order to gently move them from “sick with symptoms,” to “not sick without symptoms” and ultimately to “optimal health.” In this scenario, symptoms are not artificially suppressed by overpowering the physiology with drugs. Instead, they disappear because the underlying physiology has returned to balanced health (dynamic homeostasis)”
From a philosophical perspective, western medicine focuses on studying “disease states” defined by the symptoms of that disease. Consequently western medicine understands “health” as the absence of disease. However, given that western medicine does not focus on health in its own right, it simply doesn’t understand what true health really is, nor does it have the tools and strategies to promote it.It is into this context that AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare is pleased to introduce you to the concept of Physiological Regulating Medicine (PRM), which teaches doctors the modern science of physiological insight™, employs a holistic approach of physiological engagement™ and that utilizes the tools of physiological keys™ comprised of state-of-the-art scientifically developed homeopathic formulations that engage the patient’s own physiological resources to bring him or her naturally back into balanced health (homeostasis).
The single most important and foundational principle of physiological health is “Dynamic Homeostasis”
The more robust your physiology’s capacity to remain in “dynamic homeostasis” is…
…the healthier you are
By using precise formulations of natural physiological messaging molecules, PRM is scientifically engineered to act upon the centers of dynamic hemostasis, in order to bring our physiology into a state of balance, health and vitality.
PRM has a very long and venerated history rooted in 300 years of exacting clinical observations in the medical science of homeopathy and homotoxicology.
During the past 30 years, under the auspices of the European Congress of Physiological Regulating Medicine, GUNA Inc, (an Italian research and homeopathic pharmaceutical company) and combined with many high level scientific studies conducted by some of the best universities in Europe, an advanced scientific dimension has been added to classical homeopathy that includes all aspects of western medicine, advanced physiology, biochemistry, microbiology and cellular biology.
PRM methodology combines three fundamental aspects:
The human body is comprised of approximately 100 trillion cells, each of which is performing an astounding 17,000 precise biochemical reactions every second. At every second of every minute, every cell is waiting for instructions of what physiological functions to turn on or off.
It is a symphony of unfathomable complexity whose synchronization is nothing short of miraculous… that nothing short of cosmic intelligence could have possibly created… and that infuses our lives with divine purpose and meaning.
These instructions are created and performed by the three systems that regulate our physiology:
Each of these systems utilizes messenger molecules to carry the instructions. Our neurology utilizes neuro-peptides such as dopamine, serotonin and epinephrine; our endocrinology utilizes hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and insulin; and our immunology utilizes cytokines and lymphokines such as interleukins and interferon. Our cells have receptors specific for each of these messenger molecules. When the messenger molecule binds to the matching receptor, the cell carries out the intended precise physiological instructions.
When any one of our regulating systems malfunctions even slightly, cells simply don’t function correctly, and loss of organ function ensues, which can lead to a disease state.When a specific organ is manifesting symptoms, such as lungs in the case of asthma for example, PRM provides natural homeopathic formulations to bring that organ’s functions back into balance. This rebalance takes a few weeks to achieve however, during which time PRM formulations will also provide relief of the organ symptoms to ease the patient’s recovery.
All this is accomplished with natural homeopathic formulations that cause no side effects, rather than overwhelming the body’s physiology with synthetic drugs that suppress the symptoms and cause many negative side effects.
Thus, PRM treatments engage the body’s natural physiological mechanisms to restore proper functioning of the affected organ, and the symptoms consequently disappear because health has been restored.
You may be thinking, OK… but how does this relate to skin conditions, or the specific illness that is interfering with my life?
For skin, lets take for example, Rosacea or cystic acne: In both cases, inflammation is a primary element of the pathology.
In Rosacea it is inflammation of the upper layers of the dermis and the epidermis that causes hyper vascularization, redness, swelling and spider veins and broken capillaries to appear in the skin.
In cystic acne the inflammation is focused in the sebaceous glands that make the oil for the skin and that have become hypertrophic (enlarged).
Regardless of the difference in the locus of inflammation of these two conditions, the biochemical messengers that induce the inflammation are the same. Therefore, specific PRM formulations that provide the needed instructions that reduce the flood of inflammatory messengers while simultaneously increasing the messengers the bring calming to the skin and sebaceous glands can have a powerfully healing and regenerative effect on Rosacea and cystic acne.
Simply put, PRM restores the dynamic balance that creates healthy function and health to the skin (our body’s largest organ).
In cases of systemic diseases, let’s take for example, chronic fatigue. In such cases there is a disruption in the normal cascade of neuro-endocrine molecules (combination of neurotransmitters and hormones) that are supposed to be released in a coordinated fashion from three glands of the HPA axis; the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands. These neuro-endocrine messengers control how you deal with stress and overall energy, and regulate many body processes, including digestion, the immune system, mood and emotions, sexuality, and energy storage and expenditure.
Any disruption in the balanced flow between these glands can result in shutting down your adrenal glands, which causes debilitating exhaustion and “chronic fatigue”.
Conventional treatments typically focus on pharmaceutical drugs that compensate for the loss of energy by artificially stimulating your adrenal glands or bypassing your adrenals all together with prescribed cortisol pills.… Unfortunately, these treatments ignore the underlying causes, and cause long term damage by reinforcing the imbalance in the HPA axis.
PRM formulations contain the needed instructions that reestablishes the dynamic balance of the flow of these critical neuro-endocrine messengers through the HPA axis, so that the adrenal glands are naturally “rebooted”, and energy is restored.
As we stated earlier, the regulation of these three critical systems of our physiology is controlled by messengers that turn off and on every function of every cell in our bodies. However, for the successful transmission of any message, three distinct actions must take place:
The ECM is the watery gelatinous substance in which human cells are suspended.
Contrary to the popular notion that our cells are stuck together like bricks in a wall, every cell in our body are surrounded by the ECM and are floating in it. Comprised primarily of water, collagen and large molecules made of proteins and polysaccharides. The ECM is classified as part of human connective tissue that provides structural support to the cells of our organs. It also serves as a depository, wherein substances can be stored, such as growth factors.
However, the storage ability of the ECM also gives it the capacity to store all sorts of toxins that are naturally occurring in our bodies as well as toxins that we have absorbed from the environment. The concentration of these toxins can reach high enough levels to disrupt the normal movement of critical molecules in and out of the cells. For example oxygen, cellular nutrients and regulating messenger molecules are constantly moving through the ECM on the way into the cell, just as CO2 and metabolic waste are constantly on the way out of the cell into the ECM. The lymphatic system is charged with the job of clearing the ECM of metabolic waste that is excreted from cells.
However, when toxic levels in the ECM are too high, movement of molecules is bogged down, causing cellular functions to degrade, representing the beginning stages of organ dysfunction that can eventually lead to chronic disease.
Thus, deliberate and precise detoxification of our ECM is critical in avoiding disease and achieving optimal health and is a seminal component of PRM therapy.
Starting at the deepest level of our cells and proceeding to the ECM, followed by the lymph, and culminating in the liver and kidneys, this PRM “detoxification cascade” ensures that our ECM is “clean” so that our physiological mechanisms can function properly.
Bottom line, if your skin – or any organ – is sick with any number of conditions, cystic acne, Rosacea, melasma, sun damage, spots, or simply aging sagging and weak collagen, and you want your skin to function as it did when it was young, strong, health and beautiful, your must first detoxify its extra-cellular matrix as an integral part if restoring its health and vitality.
PRM formulations are designed to:
The scientific paradigm inherent in the design of PRM remedies is this: that the underlying causes of a disease, or its etio-pathogenesis, should be reflected in the actual structure of the remedy. This is completely different from conventional allopathic pharmaceutical medications, whose primary goal is to suppress the symptoms of a disease, rather than dealing with its underlying causes. Thus, the PRM remedy will contain components that address every stage of disease evolution, from the first hints of an imbalance to the final appearance of full-blown symptoms.
Every PRM remedy will act on 5 different levels:
Vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and most importantly, homeopathic micro-doses of Krebs Cycle salts and quinines, activate the mitochondria to induce the highest level of ATP production to energize the cell.
Mitochondria in all cells are responsible for producing ATP, which is the biochemical fuel that cells use to live. Without ATP, our cells would die within a few minutes, and so would we.
Thus, making sure that the mitochondria have all the nutrients and chemical substrates needed to keep the Krebs Cycle churning and producing abundant ATP, is extremely important.
Once the cells’ mitochondria have what they need to create abundant ATP, the cell also needs nutrients – or the chemical building blocks – of the many compounds that it must make in order to fulfill its purpose for being a part of your body.
For example, the fibroblast cells in your dermis need lots of ATP so that they have sufficient energy to synthesize lots of new collagen for your new young face. Once the ATP is present, the fibroblast cells also need the basic components – or ingredients – of which collagen is made in order to generate all the collagen you need.
Therefore, if you want to generate new strong and healthy collagen, to lift and tone your skin, and naturally replace sagging skin, thinning skin, jowls and wrinkles, with tight firm young skin, you need to support your mitochondria and feed your cells!
Using a synergistic combination of naturopathic ingredients, classical homeopathic remedies and neuro-endocrine-immune messenger molecules of our regulatory systems (see above), PRM treats the affected organs by reducing inflammatory processes that induce symptoms.
PRM formulations work at homeopathic dilutions, tiny doses mirroring the actual concentrations found naturally in our bodies. Thus PRM formulations not only use naturopathic ingredients at natural concentrations, they also cause no side effects at all.
Authored by Dr. Asher Milgrom | Reviewed by Dr. Alice Pien | Last updated:
AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 1570 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 Disclaimer: though everything on our website comes directly from reputable publications and scientific journals; and though thousands of these articles are available on official government websites (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), they have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the FDA has not certified, endorsed or approved any of the scientific findings as methods of treating or diagnosing any diseases or illnesses.
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